Posts tagged dryer
How to Clean Dryer Vent From Outside (7 Easy Steps)

You’re probably familiar with the lint that collects in your lint trap - but that’s not the only place that it ends up. The air that cycles through your dryer to dry your laundry also becomes laden with lint, and this is carried through the dryer vent and collects there. Over time, if you don’t learn how to clean dryer vent from outside, this buildup becomes inefficient and, eventually, dangerous. When it starts to obstruct airflow, you’ll find that your dryer will take longer to dry your laundry. Ultimately, a blocked dryer vent can lead to a dangerous fire.

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Inside Dryer Looks Burned (Here's Why)

Vent insider dryer looks burned? Here's why! Read this guide on everything you need to know about why the vent inside your dryer looks burned and whether it's a fire hazard. Do you also notice a burning smell from your dryer? If so, this could mean your dryer is overheating and needs to be professionally cleaned to get rid of blockages in the dryer's vents that are prohibiting it from working properly.

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